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Showing posts from July, 2016

ColdFusion to Node.js Conversion : Setup Part 1

This multi-part post will be community comment driven, which basically means that in an effort to not spend too much time on details that might not matter to the viewers out there, I am only going to share the details which I think are important at the time of publishing the posts. If people (or bots) comment and want more details, I will add them to the original post. As always, constructive criticism is always welcome. Since I am currently using the CFWheels framework (which is inspired by Ruby on Rails or RoR), I chose to try out the Sails.js framework for Node.js (which is also similar to Rails). 1st thing I did was get Node and Apache working together by adding this to my Apache vhost(VirtualHost) block: ProxyRequests on ProxyPass / http://localhost:8124/ And adding this to my hosts file (/etc/hosts): mynewapp.node www.mynewapp.node This allows me to setup an alias in my host file and reference the URL as you normally would without adding the portnumber o