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Dyson AM09 Fan & Heater H2 Error

No idea what the actual error is and I couldn't find anything useful on the web, so hopefully this will help someone else. I assumed that the H2 error meant that something was dirty, clogged up or that it was overheating because it was dirty or clogged up because the error only showed up when it was in Heater mode. The heater would run for about 30 seconds, then it would show the error and switch over to the high speed fan , I assume to try to blow out the dust. I proceeded to open it up to give it a deep clean because the Dyson instructions for cleaning this thing are ridiculous and don't help at all. Gently wiping down the outside and vacuuming the intake holes....really Dyson, really?! I used cotton swabs and 91% alcohol to clean everything I could get to, starting at the base (in hindsight, this part may not be necessary at all). Then I got to the top of the device where the actual air comes out of and noticed that there was a lot of build up on the heater coils. I could
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