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Showing posts from August, 2008

Using CFQueryParam in Order By Clause

With all of the SQL Injection attacks going on in the ColdFusion world I thought that it may be beneficial to show everyone a way that I know of to have cfqueryparam'd 'Order By' clauses. If anyone knows of other ways to accomplish this, please feel free to post a comment on how to do so. <cfquery name="GetData" datasource="#APPLICATION.DataSource#"> DECLARE @param varchar(25),    @dataID varchar(25),    @sql nvarchar(700); SELECT @param=<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#VARIABLES.orderby#">,    @dataID=<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#VARIABLES.DataID#">,    @sql = 'SELECT ID,       Phone_Number,       First_Name,       Last_Name,       Address    FROM Table WITH (NOLOCK)    WHERE DataID = ' + @dataID + 'Order by ' + @param + ' asc'; EXEC sp_executesql @sql </cfquery>