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Showing posts from November, 2021

S3FS + UpdateDB = Billing Increase

If you are using s3fs  to mount an S3 bucket to your server and have noticed a huge increase in ListBucket and HeadObject calls in your Billing. The calls will increase you AWS bill and depending on how many objects you have in your bucket, it could be significant.  Day over day I saw "Requests-Tier2" - The number of GET and all other non-Tier1 requests - go from 399 thousand to 9 million. That's a  2155% increase and my bill went from 17 cents per day to 4 dollars per day. Requests-Tier1 - The number of PUT, COPY, POST, or LIST requests for STANDARD, RRS, and tags - also increased, but not as much. 90 thousand per day to 325 thousand per day. It took some digging, but I found the culprit by running the following command: $ lsof | grep S3_DROP_ZONE which gave the following output [root@ip-999-99-9-999 ec2-user]# lsof | head -1 && lsof | grep S3_DROP_ZONE COMMAND    PID  TID           USER   FD      TYPE             DEVICE  SIZE/OFF       NODE NAME updatedb   4211