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Showing posts from November, 2015

CfWheels and Controller Init Caching Gotcha

I recently discovered an issue where logic inside of a controllers init gets cached when your environment is set to production. By default, when in the production environment the cfwheels setting of  cacheControllerInitialization defaults to true. At the time I had logic in the init method that checks if the user agent is CFSCHEDULER and the remote address is localhost/ I used this logic to authenticate scheduled tasks that run on a secure section of the site. I found this when sporadically the authentication would pass even though the logic returned false and I noticed the init method was _never_ being called, which led me to find that caching setting. The fix was to extract the logic out into another method and add that to the list of filters. /************** Before **************/ <cffunction name="init"> <cfif CGI.remote_addr EQ "" AND CGI.HTTP_USER_AGENT EQ "CFSCHEDULE"> <!--- let the CF ScheduledTas